Reasons To Smile: A Never Ending Blessing

My coworker was assisting a customer with her two children; the youngest was seven. So, I overheard the seven-year old telling her mom, she wants to read the Bible (she was scrolling through on a cell phone) – and then asked, “How do I find Proverbs?” This touched my soul. God told me to do something special for her. I only had a few dollars in my purse and I want to give them to her. I literally begged her mom to let me give her all the cash I had (which wasn’t a lot), and I wanted to encourage her to never stop reading the Bible! After going back and forth with her mom; she finally let me give her the money. Her mom in return said, “Now look, let me bless you!” She handed me more than I given her daughter, Blessings! Tears immediately filled my eyes. I was taught to obey God. When He speaks to me, I listen. I believe you should always give with an open heart and never lean on your own understanding and always trust Him! God knows I wasn’t expecting anything in return, but God thank you for your never ending blessings! Curstin Temes